Wednesday, November 5, 2008

10: Feed Back

13) Kainaz:

Hi Aneesh der r n number of drawbacks in ur stories.Firstly i feel d title is irrelevant.Der is no distinction between John n d other guy.I felt dey both were d same.D climax is nt understood.Ur storyline is weak.Many concepts were nt understood.Many grammatical mistakes were der n inappropriate words n sentences were used which were nt suitable at dat juncture.Wat u were trying 2 convey can't b comprehended by d readers.d CONVERSATION which took place between D GUY N D GIRL N between John n his friend cud nt b understood.lAST 2-3 CHPTERS WHERE U HD MENTIONED PURE FACTS WAS GUD.few poems were gud n in few poems d essence was destroyed bcoz of inappropriate words.Plz don't feel bad bt i only pointed out d mistakes so dat u can improvise on it.Al d best 4 ur future projects.


Nice to see that you are spending some time to create something beautiful………….
I wrote my special comments for two lessons’…….
And I feel that I am not a suitable person to make an overall opinion about this novel………..
But I can say your novel is something great and cute……
I am so happy to read your novel
And hoping something more……..


READ IT MAN GOOD ONE TRY RIGHTING A LONGER 1 , A BIT DISCONTINUOS @ TIMES BUT GOOD AND if ur serious bout it keep a diary and dude work on this novel itself u can make it better. I would rate it @ 5 , hey dont get depressed by the ratings i am enviois of you coz u actually wrote a novel ,and i am an avid reader do not worry work on the same novel u can make it better read it completely

10)Liji said...

Dear ettaa
I felt so much joy in my heart when I saw the heading as "S-he".
Man & Woman- a combination of two entirely different chemistry. A competition among them, is it possible? The answer is explored here. Thank u so much.
Go on..

JaLpArI said...

well, i liked the detailed description... the way the boy fills up bulbs with water and then pours in ink.... and those kinda stuff... written beautifully....
8 on 10..... ( 2 marks lost coz of the little confusion that i had :D)

9) Raphael Alwin Said…

The novel was an experience,and me,being a scrutinizer-turned-reader,has a few words at it.
In simple words,I would say this is a wonderful novellite,and the flow of the thread is very unique and merely flawless.Its been a wonderful experience.
The best thing about the creation,according to me is the easy presentation and the picturization of ‘Little John’ which has kept the same hue throughout,even the guy has undergone inevitable transitions as he grew into John-the man.Even the time brought changes to the outlook,the very inner is kept the same throughout,which is really a great thing.
A picturesque narration is there for anything that is important…That’s awesome.
I like this one- which gave her an instant Jesus Christ look.
::::Really amazing,when hair reminds of Jesus.
The request to god is very well crafted…so is the chat in the end.

Overall,it is a very good story,which has the potential to be published.
The work carry a high value as it successfully paints the life and frustrations of a man who is imprisoned in his own world.Its awesome...

8) George Vettom Said…

Dear ,
I have read your novel.You have the spark that crates a writer.But it seems you are rather impatient.You have not done your home work.It is from your heart-I conceed.But that is not sufficient.Your language is not up to the mark.Why cant u write in Malayalam?.I could have written-"It is great".But that will spoil u.Try to read.Read-Chekhov,Tolstoy,Mauposant,Balsak,steinbuck,Tharasankar Banergy ..............and finally-Dostoyvski.Spend your free time on reading. Read any thing from "A" to "U".
Best Wishes

7) Jule Jose Said…

simply awsome....
they way it sgoes.. wonderful..
Little John and John...
cool.... perfect blend

6) Giby Said…

this is a good and sincere effort and you will see bright results coming out of it. atleast I am very confident on it.i read a magazine as a novel. i take days to complte a magazine for me a novel is like a 5 yr be frank i was very delighted the way you have played with words in the novel and i think i stand the end of the world in reading novels so if you have made me read the novel the half of the battle is already done for you.

Shinoj Sebastian Said…

dear, i finished novel. its fantastic. sadhnam ugran. i didnt understood the climax. may be i went through

it very fast. my mobile got e-book reader, so i am trying to download it to phone.

5)Swapna Said…


I finished reading your Work. It is really good. The way you written about all those bible quotes and those theories in physics... Wonderful.... Is this your real story ? He he.... simply asked... So when are you going

to publish it man?

4)Shinoj said...

this crap is fantastic!!!

JaLpArI said...

whats the difference between coincidence and fate??????/
doesn't fate guide coincidences???
--> you mention a seventh sense growing near your heart.. wats the sixth one?
--> i thot john was the author, all this while... he isn't? who's john???
--> i personally dont like mysterious people.... :D

3) JaLpArI said...

there are 3 things, really nice bout this post...
1. the poem...
2. that little john wanted to prove the world that maths isnt all that imp.... (john wud b doin me a gr8 favour in that)
3. the way you john collects his tears in the ink bottle... :)

2) SUNISH THOMAS said...


1) -Varun said...

very true

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